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Why Is Netflix Removing Christian Movies? Fact Check

“All Christian movies have been deleted from Netflix,” read a post on Facebook dated March 19, 2021, which was shared more than 400 times.

Have you noticed people on social media asking if Netflix has removed Christian movies? But why is Netflix removing Christian movies? These questions prompted us to find answers.

Why Is Netflix Removing Christian Movies? That’s Not True!

Claims on social media have been going around that Netflix is going to remove all of its Christian movies. Okay, now let’s get right to the point: NO, Netflix has not been removing Christian movies.

The Origin of Rumors

A satirical article titled “Netflix to remove all Christian content after complaints from Muslims” started the rumor about Netflix removing all Christian content. The article was published on News Thump on March 29, 2016.

News Thump labels itself as “UK Spoof News and Satire.” Their goal, stated on their “About” page, is to eventually mock everyone.

Why Is Netflix Removing Christian Movies? The Origin of Rumors

Their disclaimer admits they don’t check facts or corroborate sources. They also advise readers not to believe anything they read on the site.

According to Media Bias/Fact Check, News Thump is a UK-based satire site that started in 2010.

But some readers might not immediately realize that the content on satirical sites like News Thump is actually fake news.

The Spread of Rumors

Spreading information quickly on social media can be both good and bad.

The rumor that Netflix was removing Christian movies spread on many online forums and social media. There was a lot of talk when Netflix users noticed that there were fewer Christian movies to choose from.

As word got out, a lot of users started to voice their concerns, which led to a lot of talk about how Netflix might be biased against Christian content.

The Spread of Rumors

Netflix’s Statement

In response to these rumors, the spokesperson for Netflix confirmed to Reuters via phone that it has not removed Christian titles from its streaming platform, nor does it plan to.

In addition to the statement, the company also shared that, at the time, they were planning on adding an original film, ‘A Week Away,’ a faith-based musical set in a Christian summer camp for teens.

A Week Away

The false claim that Netflix removed Christian movies originated as satire, causing unfounded panic. Netflix maintains a commitment to diverse content, including the Christian genre.

Netflix says it will keep adding new shows and movies to its library so that fans all over the world can find something they like.

And their content library is always changing, with titles added and removed based on things like licensing agreements, viewer demand, and the need to offer a wider range of content.

Why Is Netflix Removing Christian Movies? Reasons

Netflix never confirmed that it’s specifically removing Christian movies from its platform. However, the absence of certain Christian movies may be due to a few reasons:

  • Licensing Agreements: Licensing agreements control Netflix’s content. Once these agreements end, Netflix must either renew or remove the content. 
  • Viewer Preferences: Netflix uses algorithms to monitor what people watch. This information influences which content they acquire, keep, or remove. If a movie isn’t performing well in viewership, Netflix might remove it. 
  • Content Diversification: Netflix aims to provide a wide variety of content. This goal could lead to removing some titles to make room for others, ensuring a balanced mix of content. 
  • Production Houses’ Decisions: Some Christian production houses may choose to take their content off Netflix and put it on their own platforms.

Netflix’s main aim is to cater to its global audience’s varied tastes. So, even if some Christian movies are removed, viewers can still expect a broad range of content, including other faith-based films and shows.

There Are Lots of Christian Movies on Netflix

In fact, Netflix has a pretty good Faith and Spirituality section with movies and TV shows for Christians, as well as people of other faiths.

You can watch the following Christian movies on Netflix right now (at the time of this writing):

  1. A Week Away (2021)
  2. Blue Miracle (2021)
  3. Fatima (2020)
  4. Notes for My Son (2020)
  5. Penguin Bloom (2020)
  6. Forgiven (2020)
  7. Walk. Ride. Rodeo. (2019)
  8. Come Sunday (2018)
  9. Nothing to Lose (2018)
  10. The Resurrection of Gavin Stone (2017)

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FAQs About Why Is Netflix Removing Christian Movies

1. Can Netflix remove Christian movies due to discrimination?

No, removing Christian movies is not an act of discrimination. This is a strategic choice based on numbers about users and money concerns.

2. Are Christian movies available on other streaming platforms?

Yes, you can find Christian movies on several other streaming platforms, such as Pure Flix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu.

3. Will Netflix add more Christian movies in the future?

Netflix continually updates its content library based on viewer preferences and market trends. Although some titles may not be available all the time, the platform wants to offer a wide range of content, such as faith-based movies.

By Smith Nicole R

Smith Nicole R. is a passionate writer with a keen interest in exploring and evaluating mobile applications. Her work often delves into the functionality, user experience, and innovative features of various apps, providing readers with insightful reviews and recommendations. Nicole's writing is characterized by its engaging style and thorough analysis, making her a trusted voice in the tech community. She enjoys discovering new apps that can improve daily life or entertain, and sharing her findings with her audience.今天 12:00

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